Cyd-Gynhyrchiad Theatr Mwldan | Mappa Mundi 


Ar Daith: 3 Hydref – 15 Tachwedd 2008


Dyma adfywiad newydd Mappa Mundi o’r sioe hynod boblogaidd o waith clasurol Geoffrey Chaucer. Sioe bydd yn siŵr o’ch cyffroi! Yn addas i gynulleidfaoedd dros 12 mlwydd oed. 


Press Quotes:


"Unashamedly populist, cleverly conceived and riotously funny” Western Mail (on Mappa Mundi’s Canterbury Tales)


Ar Daith i:

Theatr Mwldan, Cardigan

Eastbourne College, Eastbourne

Marlowe Theatre, Canterbury

Alnwick Playhouse, Alnwick

The Arc Theatre, Stockton on Tees

Brewery Arts Centre, Kendal

Buxton Opera House, Buxton New

Theatre Royal, Portsmouth

Doncaster Civic Theatre, Doncaster

The Riverfront, Newport

Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon 

The Roses Theatre,Tewkesbury

The Castle, Wellingborough

South Holland Centre, Spalding

Theatre Royal, Winchester

Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds

Greenwich Theatre, London

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